Sunday, October 24, 2010

It Gets Better: A Presentation by Google Employees

Wish the internet was this powerful when I was in college. Living in a predominantly (conservative) Catholic Asian country is not easy if you're gay. Had no problems with accepting who I was, except the girl I went out of the closet for deserted me. It wasn't so much that she broke my heart, but the pain was caused by the thought that I had risked and sacrificed my peace for someone that was not worth it.

Overdosed on Tylenol at the time, survived by a hair's breath and lived with damaged internal organs (and perhaps a damaged brain) for a while. Then spent the next twelve years trying to be straight with boyfriends who were convinced that I was frigid because they failed to have their way with me.

Hope to live to see the day when LGBT people will be on equal footing with hets again.

1 comment:

  1. Do I love you because you're beautiful,
    Or are you beautiful because I love you?
